How do you fill your weekends? | San Diego Photographer | Christine Dammann Photography

San Diego Family Photorapher Christine Dammann Photography Family Photos in Golden Hill Park-3.jpg

Weekends are for family and being outside. ☀️

Yes, I usually have a shoot or two on weekends, but for the most part I soak up every second possible with my little loves. Nothing makes me happier than getting out in the sunshine with them to burn the copious amounts of energy they have. ‍♂️‍♂️‍♂️‍♂️‍♂️⛹‍♂️‍♂️⚾️‍♀️And I can see it makes them happy too because while we are out together having quality time they always stop to tell me how much they love me. I never want them to outgrow this stage in life where they love being with me. ⠀

We are headed into Monday now, and mentally preparing to grind out another week. ‍‍‍♂️But I’m already looking forward to next weekend when we can be footloose and fancy free to frolic wherever we like. does your typical weekend look like?

Good times, great people, lasting memories

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2024 Christine Dammann Photography