You MUST do this on your next vacation! | San Diego Family Photography | San Diego Vacation Photographer

Are you planning a vacation for 2017? I urge you to hire a photographer to help document your adventures! Below are some reasons why.

Christine Dammann Photography San Diego Vacation Photographer PalmsWS

  • You’re making memories your family will remember forever. Why not have some of these memories documented by a professional? By doing so you can ensure your entire family is IN the photos. I know, I know- you probably don’t want to be in the photos- but guess what? Your kids want you in them. When your kids are grown they will appreciate you being IN the photos. Many years from now, after you’ve lived a full life and passed away [sorry, it’s going to happen eventually] your kids won’t want a million photos of themselves, they will want images of you, and the entire family together.

  • Finding a photographer at your destination may be easier than you think- especially with social media! Post to Facebook asking friends if they have suggestions for photographers in the city you are planning to visit. Searching on Instagram for family photographers in the city you are traveling to. Do your research by checking websites and portfolios to find a photographer that best fits the style that interests you. Reach out to them via email or phone prior to your visit to find available times and locations for your session.

  • When it comes time in 2017 to make your holiday card you can use images from your vacation shoot! Points for multi-tasking!

  • You can display your professional vacation images in your home as art work. Just say “Yes!” to meaningful decor!

I know photographers all over the country, so if you need any help finding a fabulous photographer in a different city or state feel free to ask me for help! If you know someone traveling to San Diego who could benefit from a family photography session send them my way! I’d love to help capture more vacation memories. 

This post was inspired by fabulous vacation clients of mine who I had the pleasure of photographing in 2016 while they visited San Diego. Meet the Billings family, who wanted to document their daughter’s first trip to the Pacific Ocean. Thank you for inviting me along to such a special day in your lives! ☀️

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Good times, great people, lasting memories

Start planning your photo session

2024 Christine Dammann Photography