Don’t blink! They grow up fast!


Are you like me in that every time you are holding or hugging your kiddos you are in awe of how big they are? The other day my 5 year old was in my lap and his legs were dangling down over mine. As he sat on me taking up my entire lap [and then some!] I couldn’t help but think about years when he was smaller. How does time move so quickly?! I close my eyes and can feel when he was as tiny as this sweet boy in his Daddy’s arms. ⠀
I try not to get sad, because in 10-15 years he will likely be bigger than me, so I need to continue to savor every hug and cuddle. But seriously- how do people cope?! lol I don’t remember my mom being sad about me growing up and getting bigger, do you?? Maybe mine just hid it well. ‍♀️

Good times, great people, lasting memories

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2024 Christine Dammann Photography